
    [7] Y.X. Kato, T. Yonemura, K. Samejima, T. Maeda, and H. Ando: BCI Switch Using Detection of Contingent Negative Variation and Its Evaluation Based on ROC Analysis, Journal of Human Interface Society, 14(4), 437-444, 2012 [pdf].
    [6] Y.X. Kato1, S. Furukawa, K. Samejima, N. Hironaka, and M. Kashino: Photosensitive-polyimide based method for fabricating various neural electrode architectures, Frontiers in Neuroengineering. 5:11. doi: 10.3389/fneng.2012.00011. [pdf(free download)].
    1Corresponding author.
    [5] T. Hoshino1, I. Saito, H. Takano, K. Samejima, K. Mabuchi, and Y.X. Kato1, 2: Neurite Outgrowth of PC12 cells on diX (Parylene) Family Materials, Biotechnology Progress, 28(2), 587-590, 2012 [pdf].
    1These authors contributed equally to this work. 2Corresponding author.
    [4] T. Hoshino1, I. Saito, R. Kometani, K. Samejima, S. Matsui, T. Suzuki, K. Mabuchi, and Y.X. Kato1, 2: Improvement of Neuronal Cell Adhesiveness on Parylene with Oxygen Plasma Treatment, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 113(3), 395-398, 2012 [pdf].
    1These authors contributed equally to this work. 2Corresponding author.
    [3] Y.X. Kato1, M. Kashino, N. Hironaka: Development of a Microdialysis Probe with Multichannel Microelectrodes, Journal & Transactions of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan C (Electoronics, Information and Systems), 129(12), 2189-2193, 2009 [pdf].
    1Corresponding author.
    [2] Y.X. Kato1, I. Saito, H. Takano, K. Mabuchi, T. Hoshino1: Comparison of Neuronal Cell Adhesiveness of Materials in the diX (Parylene) Family, Neuroscience Letters, 464(1), 26-28, 2009 [pdf].
    1These authors contributed equally to this work.
    [1] Y.X. Kato1, K. Maki, S. Furukawa, M. Kashino: Development of Easier and Inexpensive Method for Flexible Multichannel Neural Electrodes, Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, 46(5), 522-528, 2008 [pdf].
    1Corresponding author.

    [X] Optimal Condition of Paired LED Visual Stimuli to Evoke Contingent Negative Variation (in prep).
    [X] Preliminary Study of Disk Electrode Filled Conductive Adhesive Gel for Recording Electroencephalography (under review).


    [16] Japanese Patent No.2010-160188 2010/7/15: Array-type dry electrode and its fabrication method (剣山型乾電極及びその作製方法)
    [15] Japanese Patent No.2010-160187 2010/7/15: Dry electrode and its fabrication method (乾電極及びその作製方法)
    [14] Japanese Patent Application No.2010-091097 2010/4/12: Conductive buffer, electrode's jig, electrode system, and its usage (導電性緩衝材、電極治具、電極機構、電極機構の使用方法)
    [13] Japanese Patent Application No.2010-091098 2010/4/12: Specimen package, electrode system, and its usage (試料ケース、電極機構、電極機構の使用方法)
    [12] Japanese Patent No.2010-091099 2010/4/12: Control system of brain swith and its usage (脳波スイッチ制御装置とその方法)
    [11] Japanese Patent No.2010-091100 2010/4/12: Ear-canal-type neural probe and its fabrication method (外耳道挿入型電極及び外耳道挿入型電極の作製方法)
    [10] Japanese Patent No.2009-83423 2009/3/30: Method for controlling electroencephalogram switch and its device (脳波スイッチの制御方法および装置)
    [9] Japanese Patent No.2009-83422 2009/3/30: Method for synchronizing with electroencephalogram and its device (脳波同調方法および装置)
    [8] Japanese Patent No.2009-83421 2009/3/30: Method for proposing behavioral choices and its device (行動選択肢提示方法および装置)
    [7] Japanese Patent No.2009-047543 2009/3/2: Probe for living tissue, and its fabrication method and usage (生体組織プローブ、その製造方法及び使用方法)
    [6] Japanese Patent No.2009-047541 2009/3/2: Neural device, and its fabrication method and usage (神経電極装置、その製造方法及びその使用方法)
    [5] Japanese Patent Application No.2008-307649 2008/12/2: The System and method for predicting and evaluating characteristics of a tissue reflected in changes of an individual living history (個の生存過程における変化を反映した生体組織の特性を予測・判断するシステム及びその方法)
    [4] Japanese Patent No.2008-141041 2008/5/29: Regenerative flexible neural electrode and its fabrication method (末梢神経型柔軟神経電極およびその作製方法)
    [3] Japanese Patent No.2008-141013 2008/5/29: Penetrative flexible neural electrode and its fabrication method (刺入型柔軟神経電極およびその作製方法)
    [2] Japanese Patent No.2008-141007 2008/5/29: Micro electrode for used in in vitro and its fabrication method (細胞外マイクロ電極及びその製造方法)
    [1] Japanese Patent No.2008-140971 2008/5/29: Electro corticogram electrrode and the methods of its fabrication and application (脳表電極及びその製造方法、使用方法)


    [8] Y. Kato (Principal Investigator):International Exchange Aid in Life Science Foundation of Japan for attendance at the 33rd Annual International Conference IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Boston, U.S.A., 2011.8, 2011/6
    [7] Y.X. Kato (Project Investigator): Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B) in the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2011/4
    [6] Y.X. Kato (Project Representative): Collaborative Research in the Comprehensive Partnership Agreement (NTT and Osaka University), 2009/6
    [5] Y.X. Kato (Project Representative): Collaborative Research in the Comprehensive Partnership Agreement (NTT and Osaka University), 2008/9
    [4] Y. Kato (Principal Investigator): Hosokawa Powder Technology Foundation (Grant for Promising Researchers), 2006/11
    [3] Y. Kato (Principal Investigator): Research Grant Program(International) in the University of Tokyo for attendance at the 28th Annual International Conference IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, New York, U.S.A., 2006.8, 2006/5
    [2] Y. Kato (Principal Investigator): Tateishi Science and Technology Foundation, 2006/4-2007/3
    [1] Y. Kato: GRS-ENG-Research assistant scholarship, Boston University, 2002/7-2004/1


+ International

    [11] S. Nonomura, Y.X. Kato, K. Doya, J. Tanji, K. Samejima: The Neural Activities in the Rostral-striatum During The Cognitive Decision Making, SFN Neuroscience 2011(The 41st Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience), 2011.11.
    [10] Y.X. Kato, T. Yonemura, K. Samajima, T. Maeda, H. Ando: Development of a BCI Master Switch Based on Single-trial Detection of Contingent Negative Variation Related Potentials, Proc. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2011.8.(Invited Session, Oral)
    [9] H. Teraya, T. Yonemura, Y.X. Kato, K. Samajima, T. Maeda, H. Ando: Designing a BCI Switch Based on Contingent Negative Variation by Single-trial Detection, SFN Neuroscience 2010(The 40th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience), 2010.11.
    [8] Y.X. Kato, K. Maki, M. Kashino, S. Furukawa: Mismatch Negativity-like Effect Observed in Epidural Evoked Potentials of Rat Auditory Cortex, 33nd ARO Midwinter Meeting, 2010.3.
    [7] K. Maki, S. Furukawa, M. Kashino, Y.X. Kato: Modification of Auditory Cortical Evoked Potentials by Irradiation of Near-infrared Laser to Cortical Sub-regions, 33nd ARO Midwinter Meeting, 2010.3.
    [6] Y.X. Kato, K. Maki, S. Furukawa, M. Kashino: Development of a Flexible Surface Microelectrode Array for Multichannel Recording of Auditory Evoked Potentials from the Rat’s Cortex, the XXXVI th International Union of Physiological Sciences (IUPS2009), 2009.7.
    [5] Y.X. Kato, K. Maki, S. Furukawa, M. Kashino: A Photosensitive Polyimide based Method for an Easy Fabrication of Multichannel Neural Electrodes, Proc. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008.8.(Oral)
    [4] Y. Kato, T. Suzuki, K. Mabuchi: Development of mesh-structure multichannel flexible neural probe, Proc. 19th International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference, pp.370-371, 2006.10.(Oral)
    [3] Y. Kato, I. Saito, T. Hoshino, T. Suzuki, K. Mabuchi: Preliminary Study of Multichannel Flexible Neural Probes Coated with Hybrid Biodegradable Polymer, Proc. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, pp.660-663, 2006.8.(Oral)
    [2] Y. Kato, M. Nishino, I. Saito, T. Suzuki, K. Mabuchi: Flexible Intracortical Neural Probe with Biodegradable Polymer for Delivering Bioactive Components, Proc. 2006 International Conference on Microtechnologies in Medicine and Biology, pp.143-146, 2006.5
    [1] Y. Kato, T. Suzuki, K. Mabuchi: A Preliminary Model of a Flexible Intracortical Neural Probe with Biodegradable Polymer for Delivering Bioactive Components, International Ph.D. Summer School (How to Evaluate the Efficacy of Neural Prostheses), Kotor, Montenegro, 2005.6

+ Japan

    [22] 加藤康広, 米村朋子,鮫島和行,前田太郎,安藤英由樹:Development of a BCI Master Switch Based on Single-Trial Detection of Intended Use, 第35回日本神経科学大会, 名古屋, 2012年9月(口頭発表, in English)
    [21] 加藤康広, 米村朋子,砂川 未佳, 鮫島和行,前田太郎,安藤英由樹:導電性粘着性ゲルを用いた脳波計測, 生体医工学シンポジウム2012, 大阪, 2012年9月(口頭発表)
    [20] 野々村聡,加藤康広,鮫島和行,銅谷賢治,丹治順:報酬価値の比較に関わる吻側線条体の神経活動, 日本神経回路学会 第21回全国大会, 沖縄, 2011年12月
    [19] 加藤康広, 米村朋子,鮫島和行,前田太郎,安藤英由樹:脳波を利用したマスタースイッチの開発 -BCI型拡張現実の常時利用に向けて−, 第16回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, 函館, 2011年9月
    [18] 加藤康広, 米村朋子,寺屋秀紀, 鮫島和行,前田太郎,安藤英由樹:随伴陰性変動の単一試行検出による脳波スイッチの開発, 第50回日本生体医工学会大会, 東京, 2011年4月
    [17] 加藤康広, 寺屋秀紀, 米村朋子,前田太郎,鮫島和行,安藤英由樹:A Preliminary Study to Develop a BCI Switch Using Contingent Negative Variation, 第33回日本神経科学大会, 神戸, 2010年9月
    [16] 加藤康広, 柏野牧夫,廣中直行:多点微小電極を有するマイクロダイアリシスプローブの試作, 第83回日本薬理学会年会, 大阪, 2010年3月(口頭発表)
    [15] 牧勝弘, 古川茂人, 柏野牧夫, 加藤康広:聴皮質サブ領域への近赤外レーザー光照射による聴性中潜時反応の変化, 日本音響学会 2010 年春季研究発表会, 東京, 2010年3月
    [14] 加藤康広, 牧勝弘, 古川茂人, 柏野牧夫:ラット聴皮質におけるミスマッチネガティビティ様応答の程度の考察, 日本音響学会 2010 年春季研究発表会, 東京, 2010年3月
    [13] 加藤康広, 柏野牧夫, 廣中直行:多点微小電極を有するマイクロダイアリシスプローブの試作, マイクロダイアリシス研究会, 東京, 2009年12月(口頭発表)
    [12] 寺屋秀紀, 津田明憲, 加藤康広, 米村朋子, 前田太郎, 安藤英由樹:随伴陰性変動を利用した誤作動の無い脳波スイッチのための時間窓の最適設計, 第30回バイオメカニズム学術講演会, 札幌, 2009年11月(口頭発表)
    [11] 津田明憲,加藤康広,米村朋子,寺屋秀紀,前田太郎,安藤英由樹: 随伴陰性変動を利用した誤作動の無い脳波スイッチの提案, 第14回日本バーチャルリアリティ学会大会, 東京, 2009年9月(口頭発表)
    [10] 加藤康広, 牧勝弘, 古川茂人, 柏野牧夫:ラット聴皮質における多チャンネル誘発電位計測を目指したECoG電極の開発, 日本音響学会 2009 年春季研究発表会, 東京, 2009年3月(口頭発表)
    [9] 加藤康広, 柏野牧夫, 廣中直行:多チャンネル微小電極を有するマイクロダイアリシスプローブの開発, ニューロコンピューティング研究会, 東京, 2009年3月(口頭発表)
    [8] 加藤康広, 牧勝弘, 古川茂人, 柏野牧夫:ラット聴皮質からの多チャンネル誘発電位計測に向けた表面電極の開発, 聴覚研究会(テーマ:聴覚中枢), 豊橋, 2008.11(Oral)
    [7] 加藤康広, 牧勝弘, 古川茂人, 柏野牧夫:容易かつ廉価な多チャンネル柔軟神経電極の開発, 生体医工学シンポジウム2008, 大阪, 2008.9(Oral)
    [6] 加藤康広, 牧勝弘, 古川茂人, 柏野牧夫:Development of Surface Microelectrode Array Based on Photosensitive Polyimide for Recording from the Auditory Cortex, 第31回日本神経科学大会, 東京, 2008年7月
    [5] 加藤康広, 鈴木隆文, 満渕邦彦: Skeleton-Like Multichannel Flexible Neural Probe Coated with Hybrid Biodegradable Polymer, 第29回日本神経科学大会, 京都, 2006.7
    [4] 加藤康広, 鈴木隆文, 満渕邦彦:生分解性ポリマーを用いた薬剤徐放型柔軟神経プローブの開発,医用・生体工学研究会 テーマ「神経工学・生体工学」, 東京大学, 2006.4
    [3] 加藤康広,鈴木隆文, 満渕邦彦: 生分解性ポリマーによるドラッグデリバリーシステムを用いた薬剤徐放型神経インタフェースの試作, 第20回 生体・生理工学シンポジウム, 法政大学, 2005.9
    [2] 西野美晴, 加藤康広, 深山理, 鈴木隆文, 満渕邦彦: BMIにおけるECoGの有用性の検討, 第20回生体・生理工学シンポジウム論文集, 法政大学, 2005.9
    [1] 加藤康広, 鈴木隆文, 満渕邦彦: 生分解性ポリマーを用いた薬剤徐放型神経プローブに関する基礎的研究, 第44回日本生体医工学会, 筑波, 2005.4


    [12] Y.X. Kato with Dennoo Inc.: Impact of Movie Display Advertising from Eye Tracking Studies (Reported by joining the session of Dennoo Inc.), SENDENKAIGI Internet Forum 2014, Tokyo, 2014/6
    [11] Y.X. Kato: Consumer Neuroscience, Workshop for Biomedical Engineering, The Institute of Electrical Engineering of Japan, Tokyo, 2014/3
    [10] Y.X. Kato: Neuroscience to Consumer Research, The Party of ZOROME , Tokyo, 2012/12
    [9] Y.X. Kato: What is Neuromarketing?, Design Psychology Unit, Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University, Chiba, 2012/12
    [8] Y.X. Kato: Development of BCI Master Switch, Society of Young Researchers, Brain Science Institute, Tamagawa University, Machida, 2011/12
    [7] Y.X. Kato: Development of Neural Interface, Design Psychology Unit, Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University, Chiba, 2010/8
    [6] Y.X. Kato: Development of Neural Electrodes Interfacing Brain with Machine, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Inc.(Host: Dr.Kitano), Shinagawa, 2008/12
    [5] Y.X. Kato: Development of Multichannle Flexible Neural Electrodes Based on Photosensitive Polyimide, Morishima Lab, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Koganei, 2008/10
    [4] Y.X. Kato: Review of Multichannle Flexible Neural Electrodes, Tsukada Lab, Tamagawa University Brain Science Institute, Machida, 2008/8
    [3] Y. Kato: Preliminary studies of MEMS based multichannel flexible neural probes, BSI seminar (Host: Dr.Tanifuji, Lab. for Integrative Neural Systems), Wako, 2006.12
    [2] Y. Kato: Development of Flexible Neural Electrodes Toward Brain-Machine Interface, Human and Information Science Laboratory, NTT Communication and Science Laboratories, Atsugi, 2006/9
    [1] Y. Kato: Development of Flexible Intracortical Neural Probe with Biodegradable Polymer for Delivering Bioactive Components, Neurotechnology Seminar, Neurotechnology Research Group, Neuroscience Research Institute, AIST Laboratories, Tukuba, 2006/8